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How to Winterize Your Home

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n n n Winter is coming! Which means it’s time to begin winterizing your home and business. Properly...

Life Insurance 101

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n n n Life Insurance 101nWith Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s time we recognize the importance of...

Home Insurance 101

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n What is Home Insurance? nHomeowner’s insurance is a necessity, not a luxury. This insurance...

Dangerous Driving in the Fall

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n With the changing weather, there are more dangers that can appear on the road. With rain and fog,...

Liquor Liability Insurance 101

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n What is Liquor Liability Insurance? nLiquor liability insurance reduces and eliminates the financial...

Why I & E Insurance is the Best

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n Why I & E Insurance is the BestnWe strive for excellence and serve every customer with respect...

Health Insurance 101: The Different Types of Health Insurance

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n Health insurance is one of the most important things one can buy. Without insurance, illnesses,...

Why You Need Life Insurance

n FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n nnn Life insurance is “insurance that pays out a sum of money either on the death of the insured person...

What You Need to Know About PIP

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:n n Contact: Amanda Edmundsn n I & E Insurance Agencyn n www.getinsurancequotetoday.comn n 732-295-5584nineagency@gmail.comn n (Point Pleasant NJ August 5 ,2019)n n What is PIP? nPIP, or personal injury protection, is also known as no-fault...

Hurricane Safety Tips

n FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584  n n   n According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, hurricanes are...

Hurricane Barry is a Warning Sign of the Season

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda EdmundsnI & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584 n n n Hurricane Barry is a warning Sign, (as told by Insurer Burns & Wicox)  n Point Pleasant NJ...

Boat Safety Tips

n FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda EdmundsnI & E Insurance Agency n n 732-295-5584 n   n June 28 2019 n   n Summertime is here, which means it’s time to hit the open water!...