Meet the Staff
Ida Caponegro, CISR
Ida Caponegro is Licensed NJ Insurance Broker and a certified CSR® possessing a vast amount of experience working with small and large business on their General Liability, Property and Workers Compensation Insurance.
Ida has over 38 years experience and has worked for several large NYC Based Insurance companies including the Greater NY Insurance Company, Saint Paul Companies (a division of Travelers) and Frank Crystal & Co. She managed cases of both small and large clients from multi-million dollar businesses where the average premiums ranged from $50,000 to over $600,000.
Ida and her husband/business partner Ernie live in Point Pleasant with their three boys, Ernest 32, Matthew 28, and Luke 21. Ida & Ernie have operated I & E Insurance Agency together since 2006.
Ernest M. Caponegro CLCS, CSA®
Mr. Ernest Caponegro holds Life and P&C Insurance licenses in several states in addition to New Jersey. Ernest started his career on Wall Street in the fall of 1977, ran for NJ political office first as the Hudson County Surrogate Office in 1992, and again in 1994 for a NJ State Congressional seat. He served as treasurer for Jersey City UNICCO from 1993-1998.
Ernest is one of only 33,000 Certified Senior Advisers in the nation. To become a Certified Senior Adviser, he completed a 15-part program of study of the physical, financial, emotional and personal issues that affect the daily lives of seniors taught by the Society of Certified Senior Adviser, (SCSA). The SCSA is the worlds largest member organization training professionals to serve the changing needs of a growing senior population. As the co-owner of I & E Insurance Agency, he brings over 40 years of experience to individuals, families, seniors and small businesses who need assistance.
Mr. Caponegro attended the Hartford School of Insurance and earned the National Underwriter Company’s CLCS designation. The Hartford School of Insurance has been granted the authority by the National Underwriting Company to confer this designation on agents who successfully complete the Commercial Lines Producer and CSR schools. The candidates must have concluded the two-phased program by passing each exam with a minimum of 70%.
The CLCS designation, short for Commercial Lines Coverage Specialist, is awarded to those students who have demonstrated extensive knowledge in the critical functional area of commercial property coverage and will apply that knowledge in real life cases. Holders of the CLCS designation have exhibited advanced coverage expertise and career professionalism.
I & E Insurance opened an independent office in 1998 and became a fully operational in October of 2002. I & E Insurance Agency secured it’s NJ State Independent license in 2006. I & E Insurance Agency offers all forms of Insurance for Business, Personal and Commercial needs.
Ernest has coached several local soccer and football teams and was a past Boy Scout Leader of Troop 32 of Brick and a Troop 6 of Point Pleasant Beach and has been a member of the Brick Town Police Athletic League (PAL) Board of Directors for 19 years. The Brick PAL’s mission is to improve the lives of local children. Ernest was a board member and former trustee board member of the Positive Earth Drivers Club www.pedc.org and a 1st Degree Knight and member of the Knights of Columbus of Saint Martha’s Church Point Pleasant and was a past Vice President and present member of the Father Club at Christian Brothers Academy of Lincroft, NJ.

Customer Service Representatives:
Please help I&E welcome our new customer service representatives: Sydney and Lisa. These two joined our team in the beginning of November.
National Tire Month: Tire Tips for Safer Winter Driving
n FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda EdwardsnI & E Insurance Agency n www.getinsurancequotetoday.com n 732-295-5584 ineagency@gmail.com n n n December 23, 2020 n n Tire Tips for Safer winter Driving n ...
National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month: How Driving Under the Influence Affects Auto In
n Every day, almost 30 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes- that’s one person every 50 minutes. In 2019, over 10,000 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes. nnn At I&E we take safe, attentive driving very seriously. It is...

Is New Jersey a Fault State?
Most states are split into two categories when it comes to car insurance: fault state and no-fault state. This references how compensation is handled in case of an auto vehicle wreck concerning two or more parties. Many states, such as Texas, are at-fault states,...
Will Car Insurance Cover A Windshield Replacement?
Your car would probably be nothing without your windshield. It’s not only there to create a clear line of sight for the road ahead, but also helps shield you from environmental hazards around you. Obviously, if your windshield is damaged, then you’re...
ACA Open Enrollment 2021
n It’s open enrollment season! In New Jersey, the open enrollment period begins November 1, 2020 and runs through January 31, 2021. This time period has been extended to last six weeks longer than it did last year. nnn Similar to years past, navigators...

The Benefits of Medicaid Supplemental Plan
n What is a Medicaid Supplemental Plan? nnn With Original Medicare, you usually pay some of the costs for already approved services. Also known as Medigap, Medicare Supplement Insurance is extra insurance you can buy from a private company that helps pay your...
Mary and Charles
★ ★ ★ ★ ★This was a great experience. — Mary and Charles
Vikraim P.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★Great service always try to find best possible insurance with rate. I can say best office to use your insurance need. — Vikraim P.
Commercial Auto Insurance 101
n If you are self-employed or own a company, chances are you use vehicles for daily business operation. But do you know if you have the right auto insurance? Sometimes personal car insurance will not protect you from the unexpected. Before you take your vehicle out on...
Covid Virus, Emergency Savings and Future Planning
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: n Contact: Amanda Edmunds n I & E Insurance Agency n www.getinsurancequotetoday.com n 732-295-5584 n ineagency@gmail.com n n What the Covid-19 Chinese Virus should Tell us about Future Planning n n ( April...